The College Puzzle Blog
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Dr. Michael W. Kirst

Michael W. Kirst is Professor Emeritus of Education and Business Administration at Stanford University since 1969.
Dr. Kirst received his Ph.D. in political economy and government from Harvard. Before joining the Stanford University faculty, Dr. Kirst held several positions with the federal government, including Staff Director of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Manpower, Employment and Poverty. He was a former president of the California State Board of Education. His book From High School to College with Andrea Venezia was published by Jossey Bass in 2004.

Most Recent Blog
::NCLB and College Preparation: Little Is Funded>
::Thinking About Going to College?>
::Cut Back on Middle Class Tax Credits for College C...>
::New statistics on community colleges show minority...>
::Early College High School:# 2>
::Early College High School Has Promise>
::Should I go To College?>
::Spellings Loses on Push To Enhance College Quality>
::Data Lacking On College Preparation>
::Community College Cutpoints for Remediation>


My blog discusses the important and complex subjects of college completion, college success, student risk factors (for failing), college readiness, and academic preparation. I will explore the pieces of the college puzzle that heavily influence, if not determine, college success rates.

High Scoring Massachusetts also Has High Remediation

Massachusetts is among the highest scoring states on k-8 Naep, and is viewed as a national model for reform of k-12. But in a new study published by Boston.Com the state concluded its remediation rates for entering students at public colleges is very high- 65% at community colleges and over 20% at four year colleges. This is about average for all states under my estimates for remediation.-, even though the US Education Dept uses much lower numbers for remediation.
But Ma sends 80% of its high school graduates to postsecondary education which is also among the highest in USA. This may account for some of the remdiation. Ca sends just over 60% of its high school grads to college, and has even higher remediation rates than Ma.

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